Skywave Linux: Skywave Linux Update to v4.1

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Skywave Linux has just updated to version 4.1, and it looks pretty solid, with those floating windows in i3wm worked out. There is also upgrade to kernel 5.9.1, and Gqrx, which is up to version 2.13. With a wry grin and wave to all of the boomers complaining that the distro is not easy and Windows-like, I offer my update briefing below:

Objectives of Upgrade 4.1.0: Fix things that are broken; take upgrades if available.

Watch a video demonstration of the Skywave Linux update.

SLNW: Skywave Linux Is Not Windows:

If it won't run on your machine, toss your machine into a dumpster and find a Linux friendly machine.

Main Upgrades:

Neovim: For Writing Code / Hacking Your SDR Software:

Lesser Updates:

VPN / Proxy Upgrades:

Searching Finding Files (and things in files)

Internet Search: Surfraw

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