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KiwiSDR Locations (Click for Stations)

Use the list of Australian and New Zealand cities below to quickly open a browser tab with the KiwiSDR site from which you want to listen. If signals are weak or noisy, try another station or switch to a different SDR server if another one is available. You can tune around and find more stations on any of the SDRs. They not only receive AM / mediumwave, but work fabulously on shortwave too.

How to use:

  1. Select a station by clicking the appropriate button.
  2. Click on a receiver location to open an SDR tab in your browser.
  3. Each click on any receiver opens a new tab, so you can listen from more than one location.
  4. This list of KiwiSDR receivers updates every three hours.
  5. Click to download this SDRs for Australia and New Zealand List [PDF].
See our automatic KiwiSDR pickers for popular stations:

Adelaide, SA, AUS

5RTI 531 5RN 729 5AN 891 5PB 972 5RPH 1197 5DN 1323 5AA 1395 5TAB 1539 3ABN 1611

KiwiSDR, Near Tarlee, South Australia
KiwiSDR, Near Tarlee, South Australia
KiwiSDR, Near Tarlee, South Australia
KiwiSDR, Ironstone Range, South Australia
KiwiSDR, Nairne, South Australia

Brisbane, QLD, AUS

ABCRadio 612 SENQ 693 RadioNational 793 NewsTalk 882 ABCNews 936 RadioTab 1008 EasyNusic 1116 PrintRadio 1296 BrisVaani 1701

KiwiSDR, Brisbane, Australia

Canberra, NSW, AUS

ABCRadio 666 RadioNational 846 SkySports 1008 ForeverClassic 1053 1RPH 1125 SENTrack 1323 SBSRadio-1 1440

KiwiSDR, Canberra, Australia
KiwiSDR, Canberra, Australia
KiwiSDR, Araluen, NSW, Australia

Darwin, NT, AUS

RadioNational 657 RadioTab 1242 YolnuRadio 1530 SEN-TopEnd 1611 2ME-Radio 1638 VLD794 1656 3CW 1701

Melbourne, VIC, AUS

ABC-Wimmera 594 RadioNational 621 NewsTalk 693 ABC-Melbourne 774 RSN-Sport 927 Gold 1071 SEN-Sports 1170 RSN-Sport 1314

KiwiSDR, Victoria, Australia
KiwiSDR, Victoria, Australia
KiwiSDR, Victoria, Australia
KiwiSDR, Victoria, Australia
KiwiSDR, Victoria, Australia

Newcastle, NSW, AUS

2WEB-OutbackRadio 585 ABC-NorthCoast 738 2HD 1143 ABC-Newcastle 1233 SkySports 1341 SBSRadio 1413 NewsRadio 1458 RadioNational 1512 Radio1629 1629

KiwiSDR, Teralba, New South Wales. AUSTRALIA.
KiwiSDR, Hunter Valley NSW Australia
KiwiSDR, Hunter Valley NSW Australia
KiwiSDR, Forster NSW

Perth, WA, AUS

NewsRadio 585 SEN-Track 657 ABC-Perth 720 RadioNational 810 6PR-LiveTalk 882 VisionAustralia 990 6IX-Music 1080 TabRadio 1206

KiwiSDR, Western Australia
KiwiSDR, Leeming, Western Australia
KiwiSDR, Morley, Western Australia
KiwiSDR, Northam, Western Australia

Sydney, NSW

RadioNational 576 NewsRadio 630 ABC-Sydney 702 2GB 873 EasyMusic 954 SkySports 1017 SBS-Radio 1107 SEN-Sports 1170 Radio-Reading 1224 SuperNetwork 1269 SEN-Track 1539 VisionChristianRadio 1611 VoiceOfCharity 1701

KiwiSDR, Teralba, New South Wales. AUSTRALIA.
KiwiSDR, Hunter Valley NSW Australia
KiwiSDR, Inner-West Sydney | K180WLA 0.1-180MHz Active Loop 2024 version
KiwiSDR, Hunter Valley NSW Australia
KiwiSDR, Terrey Hills, New South Wales, Australia

Burnie, TAS

RadioNational-SYD 576 RadioNational-MLB 621 RadioNational-ADL 729 7PB-Hobart 747 ABC-Melbourne 774 ABC-Southeast 810 7ZR-Hobart 936 MMM-Rivernia 963 SBS-Radio 1107 3EA-Melbourne 1224 3GV-Gold 1242 3NE-Wangratta 1566

KiwiSDR, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
KiwiSDR, Stowport, Tasmania, AU

Auckland, AUK, NZ

531Pi 531 Waatea 603 Today 702 Radio-NZ 756 BBC-World 810 Star 882 NZ936 936 Radio-Apna 990 Newstalk-ZB 1080 Ake 1179 Rhema 1251 GoldSport 1332 Radio-Tarana 1386 SENZSport 1476 Radio-Samoa 1593

KiwiSDR, ZL1ROT2 Rotorua, New Zealand
KiwiSDR, Te Kauwhata, New Zealand

Christchurch, CAN, NZ

Rhema 540 Star 612 RadioNewZealand 675 Today 738 NewsTalk-ZB 1017 NewsTalk-ZB 1098 SENZ-Sport 1260 Radio-FerryMead 1413 GoldSport 1503 Coast 1593

Wellington, WGN, NZ

RadioNewZealand 567 Star 657 SENZ-Sport 711 Gold 792 Magic 891 Rhema 972 NewsTalk-ZB 1035 Te-Upoko 1161 Today 1233 Gold 1503

KiwiSDR, Masterton, New Zealand
KiwiSDR, Masterton, New Zealand
KiwiSDR, Masterton, New Zealand
KiwiSDR, Masterton, New Zealand
KiwiSDR, Marahau, Tasman District, New Zealand

Please be a fair listener on these radio servers. Avoid excessive time or opening multiple SDR tabs from the same site at once, as site operators detect and block users or frequencies who draw excessive bandwidth.

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Written and curated by Webmaster - Developer Philip Collier
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