Skywave Linux: Insight, Tips, and Tricks

Written and curated by Webmaster - Developer Philip Collier
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With Skywave Linux, you can connect a local SDR or pull up one on the internet and stream radio signals in real time. It is a fabulous version of Linux, and there are ways to enjoy a friction free workflow with it. Read the articles below for more understanding of the window manager, Bash shell, and key software components. There are links to videos showing Skywave Linux in action.

Insight, Tips, and Tricks for Skywave Linux

Skywave Linux v5.0 to be Released 2024/01/29
The new Skywave Linux update will be based on Rolling Debian Sid...
Download Skywave Linux to access remote controlled software defined radios on the internet....
Basic Usage Tips for Skywave Linux Version 5
How to use DWM in Skywave Linux. Hot keys, opening and...
Installing Skywave Linux
How to install Skywave Linux to USB or SDcard or SSD or virtual machine....
Frugal Installs (Updated 2024/03/11)
How to copy Skywave Linux iso file to a hard drive or ssd and boot with Grub2....
Notes and Bugfixes
Notes about fixes, tweaks, and solutions to bugs in Skywave Linux or its apps....
Skywave Linux Update to v4.1
The Skywave Linux version 4.1 update, with a new kernel, Gqrx, i3wm, and SDR server list...
Key Bindings for the i3 Window Manager
A list of shortcuts or hotkeys for the i3 window manager in Skywave Linux version 4...
Key Bindings for Neovim (and Legacy Vim)
A list of shortcuts and hotkeys for Neovim/ Vim in Skywave Linux...
Key Bindings for Tmux
A list of shortcuts and key bindings for Tmux in Skywave Linux...
Bash Aliases
Aliases or shortcuts to use in the command line interface for Skywave Linux....
Source Code
Accessing source code used in the Skywave Linux system and applications...
Skywave Linux Video Gallery
Videos on the internet featuring uses of and software in Skywave Linux...
Skywave Linux 4.3 Flashback Published
Developer comments on the special Skywave Linux update to...
Skywave Linux 4.2 Published
Developer comments on the Skywave Linux update to version 4.2...

Other Links Relating to Skywave Linux

Skywave Linux Tumblr Page
Skywave Linux SourceForge Blog

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